Greenhouse foggers stand as a gardener's ally. Our fogger for plants ensures that every droplet of mist provides not just sustenance but also protection. For those overseeing larger operations, our commercial greenhouse foggers offer unparalleled coverage that ensures every inch of your greenhouse benefits from optimal humidity and pest control. This level of care is crucial for safeguarding against pests without compromising plant health. Furthermore, our greenhouse insect fogger specifically targets the pests that are most harmful to your plants, delivering a fine mist of eco-friendly insecticide that settles on foliage. With this fogger, you can provide a protective barrier without harming the plants themselves.

Applications of disinfectants, fungicides and insecticides with Dyna-Fog® ULV and other fogging equipment results in the chemical being dispersed thoroughly and quickly, resulting in a high standard of control.

  • Utilizing Dyna-Fog® ULV equipment, the user can select different droplet sizes, allowing the operator to select the best droplet size for each type of chemical being used as well as obtaining a higher standard of control.
  • Fog particles will penetrate dense foliage. 
  • The low volume of water used will not leave the foliage wet to promote the growth of diseases or raise the humidity in the area.
  • Even distribution of the chemical application assures that there are no visible deposits on leaves, flowers, or fruit.
  • The rate of the application results in a great savings in time and allows the treatment to be made when it is convenient and appropriate.
  • A wide variety of required types of chemical formulations can be applied. 


  • The application should be performed when temperatures are above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15°C), so that there are adequate thermal up-currents to keep the droplets circulating.
  • The structure (house) should be kept shut for a minimum of 4 hours (fog) or for 2 hours (ULV) before the structure is ventilated. The structure should be vented completely before permitting re-entry.
  • Ensure that the foliage is dry but that the plants in question are not wilting.
  • For best results, the unit should not be pointed directly at the crops, but should be directed so that the chemical is directed into the air between or above the plants. Adjust the chemical flow rate in such a way so that there is no drippage from the nozzle over valuable plants.
  • To ensure even formulation distribution on the crop, best results will be attained if the unit is pointing upwards at a 30-degree angle from the horizontal. The rate of chemical used should be what is noted on the label, but it should be mixed with only 1-1/2 to 2 gallons per acre (15 to 25 liters per hectare).  In any case, the mixture should not exceed the amount stated on the product label. In the case of wettable and flowable powders, these should be mixed with an acceptable carrier, or else the droplets may evaporate in the air at humidity levels below 85%. 

A range of machines is offered to suit individual nursery sizes:


The TRAILBLAZER™ is suitable for areas up to 1 acre (4000m²) and will “project" up to 70 feet (25m). The Dyna-Fog® BLACKHAWK™ is suitable for a larger area with a delivery of 180 feet (60m) in quonsets (walk-in tunnels, single spans). The delivery “reach” is a little less in gutter-connected homes, such as townhouses or condominiums.


The Dyna-Fog® TORNADO™ has a "reach" of 60 feet (20m), while the Dyna-Fog® MISTER III™ can “project" to 120 feet (40m) or slightly less in gutter-connected homes, such as townhouses or condominiums. It is recommended that the operator position the machine so that by correctly utilizing the "reach”, the operator should never be in the fog; this means that with the larger machines, treatment can be carried out from the door, without the operator having to enter the dwelling.


The Dyna-Fog® NIGHTSTAR® can treat areas up to 60,000 square feet. (6,000 square meters) without the user being in the structure, and is the only type of machine in the world that the operator can change the droplet size produced, so that the different types of chemicals can be applied in the droplet size best suited for their optimum performance.

Our greenhouse foggers guarantee you’re investing in solutions that will elevate your greenhouse’s productivity and plant vitality. Contact us to learn more about how to take good care of your greenhouse plants without compromising quality.